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MS300 4A8MS21MFSAA Frekvensomformer

MS300 1-fase 230 V IP66
0,75 kW 4,8 A

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The MS300 series supports both IM and PM motor control for application flexibility and provides Safe Torque Off (STO) safety mechanism. With a drive size reduced up to 40% the MS300 series save space. It reduces time for setup and wiring, while providing high efficiency and stability.

Technical specification
Input voltage (VAC) 200-240
Applicable motor output (kW), normal duty 0,75
Rated current (A) normal duty 4,8
Voltage out (V) 3x0-180/264
IP class 66
Max input voltage (VAC) 1x180-264
Rated output capacity (kVA) 1,6
Frequency range (Hz) 0-500
Product series MS300
Manufacturer Delta
Input rating
Frequency accuracy (input) 48-63
Input current (A) 10,1
Output rating
Frequency modulation PWM (sinuskodad pulsbreddsmodulering), kopplingsfrekvens max. 15 kHz
Overload capacity 150 % av märkströmmen under 1 minut.
Acceleration / Deceleration time 0~600 sek. (separat inställbara)
Frequency output accuracy 0,01 Hz
Torque function Vektorkontroll med autotuning, startmoment upp till 200 % vid 0,5 Hz, alternativt V/F-kontroll med boostfunktion och eftersläpningskompensering.
V/F curve V/F-justerbar
Current limit 20-200 % av märkströmmen
Installation Höjd: Max. 1000 m ö.h. Ej korrosiva gaser.
Ambient temperature -20°C - +50°C (icke kondenserande)
Storage temperature -40°C - +85°C
Ambient humidity Max. 90 %RH (icke kondenserande)
Vibration IEC60068-2-6: 2-13 Hz: 1 mm, peak-peak, 13-55 Hz 0,7-2 G
Standard functions
Control signal OP panel Inställning med pilar upp/ned eller vridpotentiometer.
Control signal external signal Potentiometer -5 kΩ/0,5 W, 0- +10 VDC (impedans 47 kΩ), 4-20 mA (impedans 250 Ω), 15 fasta hastigheter, JOG, UPP/NED-kommando, RS485-seriekommunikation
Start signal OP panel Sätts med RUN/STOP-knapparna
Start signal external signal FWD/STOP, REV/STOP (RUN/STOP, FWD/REV), 3-ledarstyrning, RS485-seriekommunikation
Multi-function digital input MI1-MI6 är programmerbara multifunktionskontakter, JOG, öka/minska-kommando, val alternativ accelerations-/retardationstid, analog ingång, 15 fasta hastigheter, start/stopp PLC-program, räknare, extern
Multi-function digital output Driftsignal, inställd frekvens uppnådd, 0-varvsindikering,
Analog output signal Indikering av frekvens/ström 0-10 VDC
Other functions Inbyggt PLC, automatisk spänningsreglering (AVR), PID-kontroll, sleep-funktion, felhistorik 10 senaste fel, S-ramp, överspänningsnivå, DC-bromsning, ställbar kopplingsfrekvens, överström, strömgräns. Driften fortsätter vid momentant nätspänningsbortfall. Reversering spärrad, ställbar frekvensgräns, NPN/PNP-omkopplare, kodlås etc.
Braking chopper Integrerad bromsmodul
EMC filter Integrated EMC-filter
Cooling Egen kylning
Manufacturer Delta
Dimensions and weight
Width × height × depth (mm) 160x230x151
Net weight (kg) 2,9
Frame model (size) A1

MS300 is an efficient and stable frequency inverter that supports both IM and PM motors

The MS300 series supports both IM and PM motor control for application flexibility and provides Safe Torque Off (STO) safety mechanism. With a drive size reduced up to 40% the MS300 series save space. It reduces time for setup and wiring, while providing high efficiency and stability.

Various essential functions and features are built-in, including:

  • Safe Torque Off function (STO)
  • PLC capacity for simple programming needs
  • A communication slot for various communication cards
  • Removable Keypad which supports remote operation away from drive
  • Built-in USB port for easy and fast programming setting, update and real-time monitoring and tuning
  • Removable fan - easy to replace and maintain for a longer lifetime
  • Removable RFI Jumper applicable for different application needs
  • Supports side-by-side installation, with operating temperatures of -20˚C ~ 40˚C, which enables highly flexible and efficient installation.
Manufacturer Delta Electronics

Wiring diagram MS300 frequency inverter

Main switch kit for MS300 IP66, frame size A

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